
  • QRPGuys CW keyer

    Although a Begali or Bencher (now Vibroplex) paddle was on my Christmas list, Santa must have felt that I wasn’t a good […]

  • Monitor transmitter quality using a RF tap

    The uBitX is a popular multi-band QRP transceiver. Preparing to assemble my own 40m uBitX, I wanted a means to monitor the […]

  • The ELF Network: The untold story

    The ELF Network: The untold story Copyright (c) 2021 by Ralph Iden, All rights reserved. Author’s note: In the late 1960’s, the […]

  • My Dream DXpedition

    My Dream DXpedition as told to Ralph, WB9ICFCopyright (c) 2020 by Ralph Iden, All rights reserved. Part 1 I have been looking […]